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Greetings from the Junior Doctors Network (JDN), Malaysia. The JDN was formed in Vancouver in October 2010 to create a platform for junior doctors worldwide to ensure their voice is heard both within the World Medical Association and globally. In Malaysia, efforts to be the voice of government doctors under the Malaysian Medical Association have been carried out by the Section Concerning House Officers, Medical Officers and Specialists (SCHOMOS) dating back to 1981. Moving forward, JDN (Malaysian Chapter) was then formed under SCHOMOS, MMA in 2017 to look into the welfare of the junior doctors.


As this is our first major event, we wanted to create an impact for the junior doctors and we chose the theme of Leading the way towards mutual respect – The role of Junior Doctors in preventing workplace bullying. We have seen a rise in the number of bullying and harassment cases involving doctors in recent times, whether they are amongst doctors or between doctors and their clients or relatives. What is more alarming is the fate of doctors having to be on their feet for long hours saving lives and at the same time facing multiple stressors which in turn leads to poorer work performance, reduced work life balance and in the worst case scenario resulting neglect in patient care.


We, the JDN (Malaysian Chapter) believe in creating a healthy working environment and strongly oppose any bullying or harassment at the workplace. The team have put in a lot of effort from day one and it may take time before we see the results of the fight against bullying or harassment. However, we hope that with this JDN Penang Declaration 2018, we are able to create awareness and put a stop to this unpleasant culture. So let us stand tall, speak up and say no to bullying!


~Blowing out someone else’s candle doesn’t make yours shine brighter~


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