Our Aim
To provide the first aid as an interventional act and form a safety net, until problems can be addressed empathically and solutions / resolutions made available to the needy.
To be a “ friend” in the darkest moments without being judgmental.
To offer a lifeline to those in need of help without fear or favour.
Who will be the target clients
All doctors
The initial target aimed at is the junior doctor groups who seem to be going through several rough patches of late. Recent press reports have identified harassment, bullying, victimisation and exploitation by working too many hours. Whilst this may be the prime and immediate objective, the team expects to extend this service to other areas in time to come such as supporting long term illness, addictions, emotional disorders etc.
Services will be developed as the demand grows.
The TASKFORCE with the support of MMA is an interface where doctors’ problems can be analysed and major concerns be brought to the relevant authorities for assistance in resolving some of the common denominators.
HELPDOC is a conduit for resolving conflicts without going through red tape measures and resolutions / recommendations based on evidence and facts.
Plan of Delivery
HELPDOC TEAM works through the MMA HQ office in KL. The service from HELPDOC will be active from HQ as first point of contact during office hours and Information will be passed on to coordinator of HELPDOC for further action.
HELPDOC will make contact with the branch chairmen to disseminate this information actively to its members.
HELPDOC will identify specific individuals in each state to act as an anchor person for the TEAM.
HELPDOC will identify each training hospital and have a representative from each hospital.
HELPDOC services will remain private and confidential and information sharing with 3rd party will be highly restricted. If any sharing of information is needed, it will be with the consent of the individual involved unless in a life threatening / saving situation.
HELPDOC services is open to all doctors and non-members may only get limited service at the discretion of the TEAM whilst members will benefit from the full scale of assistance available.
HELPDOC will endeavour to make tailor-made assistance to each individual problem encountered and ensure personal touch at all times.
Range of Problems
- Difficulty At Work (Complaints):
- Bullying / harassment
- Extension of housemanship
- Posting issues
- Chronic illnesses
- Addiction
- Depression
- Lifestyle diseases that would meet special needs
- Any other crisis the individual may consider as a crisis
- Domestic Issues:
- Relationship issues due to work
- Marital counselling and support
- Assistance for care of chronic /life threatening illness of children / spouse
We Are Here For You
- +603-4041 1140
- +6013-831 1140
Mon-Fri: 9am-6pm
Saturday & Sunday : Closed