Thank you for being a CPD Provider registered with the MMA CPD system. MMA has been mandated to administer CPD points for all Registered Medical Practitioners in the country (Specialists and Non-Specialists, MMA Members and Non-MMA Members). To this end, MMA has created a CPD system commenced from 01/07/2017 and requires CPD providers to register with us. Kindly note that this guideline is solely for the use of providers and circulation to external parties is strictly NOT ALLOWED. In case any problems encountered during registration while using the guidelines, kindly contact the MMA CPD Department for further clarification via email at [email protected]

MMA-CPD Application For Registration of Provider

MMA-CPD Attendance Returns From Provider

MMC-CPD Grading System Scoring Guide

Guidelines on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for Medical Practitioners

Approval Process for CPD Activities


Quality Standards for formal Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Activities
Criteria for Registration
- Providers must apply to MMA for registration and all applications will be vetted by the MMA CPD committee.
- A CPD provider should be managed By Doctors, and its CPD activities must be For Doctors.
- The audience for the CPD activities provided must be healthcare professionals.
- The categories of providers include Government Hospitals, Private Hospitals, Departments in the Ministry of Health, Specialist Bodies and Societies, and Universities, Colleges and Institutes.
- Each Provider organisation (e.g. institute, hospital or university) needs to register as a single provider (Master Provider); the various departments/units in the organisation must go through the Master Provider using the Master Provider ID; for example, the Master Provider ID may be held by Unit Latihan or Medical Department in the organisation.
- Please upload details of the organisation profile in PDF format during online registration. Incomplete/ inadequate information may delay the approval process.
- The applicant (person in charge) of a CPD provider should be a Doctor and name and details must be included in the “Contact Person Detail” section of the application.
- Details of staff handling CPD activities must also be included in the “Contact Person Detail” section of the application.
- The details that are required when applying as a CPD Provider are: organisation name, name of doctor in charge, organisation address, email address, contact number, resident doctors in the hospital, type of CPD activities and mode of dissemination of information regarding CPD activities.
- Pharmaceutical companies and medical device companies will NOT be considered for registration.
- Application for CPD activities and events to be accredited for CPD points will only be considered after the Provider organisation has been approved as a CPD provider.
- CPD events registered/submitted to the MMA CPD system, must be applied to the AMM CPD system & myCPD system as well for the accreditation of CPD Points.
Submission Dateline
- All applications should be submitted online and NOT later than 30 days before the date of the CPD event for verification and accreditation of CPD points by the MMA CPD committee.
- All events registered less than 30 days before the date of the CPD event may be processed but approval will not be guaranteed.
- Late applications made after the event date will not be entertained and will be rejected.
Event Applications
- Educational content must be current, authoritative and evidence based.
- All approved events are advertised on the MMA CPD Mobile Application.
- Participants who attend CPD events held locally must RSVP to the provider/ organiser directly, please do NOT request the participants to submit the “certificate of attendance” through manual submission to MMA.
- Closed group events, should be indicated and specified during the online application via the MMA CPD System under the “Event Synopsis & Organisers’ Information” to inform the participants that the event is limited to how many Pax and based on a first come first serve basis.
- Please DO NOT indicate the “number of CPD Points” OR “CPD points will be awarded” on documents/ flyers/ agenda before approval.
- Once after the approval has been obtained, the CPD Provider shall indicate the approved CPD Points and the approved EVENT ID CODE should be indicated on the documents/flyers/agenda for reference of the participants and the MMA CPD Department.
- Event title should NOT include “Pharma/Drug Name”, it must only include topic of the talk discussed.
- Provider’s Logo must be indicated at the top of all documents/flyers/agenda.
- Pharma/ Sponsor Logo must only be indicated at the bottom of the documents/flyers/agenda.
- Only the Pharma / Sponsor logo on all documents/flyers/agenda, without the Provider’s Logo is strictly not allowed.
- According to the Malaysian Medical Council Scoring Schedule ”internal department meetings or master course teachings” is strictly NOT allowed. All CPD events should be available and open to other departments in the hospital.
- Providers are strictly not allowed to submit applications for events organised by pharmaceutical companies and/or medical device companies.
- Organisers of CPD activities not accredited as CPD providers can submit their applications for their events through the nearest MMA State Branch.
Duplicate Event Application
- Once after approval has been obtained and the event date has been postponed, kindly take note of the following steps:
I. Email to MMA CPD Department to inform that the date has been changed.
II. After email, login the MMA CPD system and click on “Edit Event” to change the Event date/details, click “save” once after changed.
III. As for cancelled events which has obtained approval, and no postponed date, please email and request the CPD department to delete the event. - Once after approval has been obtained and the agenda/ itinerary has changes, kindly take note of the following steps:
I. Email to MMA CPD Department to inform that the agenda/itinerary must be changed.
II. Once received a reply from the CPD Department, proceed to amend the document under “Pending Events”.
III. After amended, email to CPD Department to notify the changes of the new agenda/itinerary.
IV. The CPD Department will send the application for accreditation of CPD Points under “Pending Events for Committee”.
V. Process of new changes in the agenda would take 30 days for verification. - IMPORTANT NOTE: Please DO NOT re-create an application again based on the same event topic/title, in case the date or agenda of the event has been changed/postponed. Each event has a unique event ID CODE and must NOT be duplicated.
Attendance Record for Delegates & Speakers
- The Provider is responsible to record and maintain hardcopy attendance of the participants and speakers at their accredited CPD events.
- The Provider should assign a unique password for each approved event via the MMA CPD online system. Please download the Mobile Application “MMA SCANNER” before the event date to scan the Doctors’ QR code in their MMA CPD mobile application in order to record attendance for participants. The MMA Scanner Guide can be viewed via this link
- Participants who did not scan their QR code to record attendance during the event, the hardcopy attendance records will need to be entered/keyed into the MMA CPD system by the Provider/organiser manually.
- CPD events held solely for the public, nurses and paramedical staff, administrative staff and medical students, as well as hospital meetings (for discussion of minutes) will NOT be accredited CPD points for the participants. Application can however be made to accredit speaker CPD points if medical topics are delivered at a CPD event held for non-doctors. CPD points for Speakers and Organising Chairman of the event (if applicable) should be keyed in manually via the online MMA CPD System once the event has been completed.
- Attendance list should be keyed in via the online MMA CPD system not later than 7 working days after the event date, for doctors to view their CPD points in their mobile application.