CPD points are not compulsory for application of APC for 2017, 2018 and 2019. It is compulsory to have at least 20 CPD points for application for APC for 2020 to coming APC year and these points must be accumulated from 1st July 20xx to 30th June 20xx.

Please note that no CPD Points will be issued prior to 30th June 20xx as the software has been changed, therefore we are not able to access the old accumulated points. We
apologise for the inconvenience caused.

Starting from 1st July 2017, CPD points will only be viewed after the event organiser/provider has scanned the Doctor’s QR code during the event or keyed the doctors’ attendance
manually into theMMA CPD system. Kindly refer to the event organiser/provider in case the CPD points do NOT appear in the MMA CPD System / MMA CPD Mobile Application.

Regarding the CPD Points for the CPD term from 1st July 2019 – 30th June 2020 please get the MMA CPD Certificate via the MMA CPD Mobile Application if you require one.

Please make sure the events attended locally are organised by registered CPD providers and the events have been approved under the MMA CPD system; approved events are advertised
on the MMA CPD Mobile Application.

MMA cannot accord CPD points for events held locally if the organiser did not apply to accredit the event for CPD points and these events will not be listed in the MMA CPD Mobile

For overseas CPD events and online CPD modules, application to accredit CPD points should be submitted via the MMA CPD Mobile Application under manual submission, by uploading
the relevant certificate and event itinerary for overseas events or certificate of completion for online CPD modules. Manual submission via the MMA CPD Mobile Application can also
be used to apply for accreditation of CPD points for Publications and Fellowships by uploading the relevant supporting documents.

Guideline For MMA mobile Application
