Registration with the Malaysian Medical Council (MMC) is according to provision Section 14 of the Medical Act 1971.

Application for full registration can be categorised into 2:

  1. Those who are undergoing Housemanship under Section 13 (2) of the Medical Act 1971 in this country.
  2. Those who had undergone Housemanship overseas.

1. Full Registration For Medical Practitioners Who Are Undergoing Housemanship Under Section 13 (2), Medical Act 1971 In Malaysia

  1. The application is submitted through the hospital where the applicant is undergoing housemanship;
  2. The application submitted by the hospital concerned need to be completed with the following documents:
    • Form 6 (Law 21) Medical Act 1971 which is completed by the hospital;
    • Form 9 (Law 22) Medical Act 1971 which need to be completed by the applicant (medical officer);
    • ‘Form A’ need to be completed by the Head of Department where the Housemanship was conducted;
    • Certified true copy of the original basic medical degree;
    • Certified true copies of the Identity Card and Birth Certificate.
  3. The full registration acknowledgement will be processed within two weeks from the date when the completed application is received.
  4. Practitioners who receive the full registration acknowledgement are required to undergo Public Service under Section 40, 41 of the Medical Act for 3 continuous years as instructed by the Medical Director.
  5. Registration fee will not be imposed for this application.

2.Full Registration For Medical Practitioners Who Are Undergoing Housemanship Overseas

  1. The application need to be submitted directly to the Medical Council by the applicant.
  2. This application will then be presented at Medical Council Evaluation Committee meeting for consideration. (This meeting will be held twice a month).
  3. The application submitted need to be completed with the following documents in ‘Appendix A’:
    1. Form 9 (Law 22) of the Medical Act for full registration application;
    2. Curriculum Vitae Form (CV) and Form with photograph
      • Curriculum Vitae Form (CV) is prepared for presentation at the Evaluation Committee meeting;
      • It is advised that forms be type written.
    3. Copy of Basic Medical Degree
      • This document need to be translated into English, if the original is in different languages (Bahasa Malaysia is exempted).
    4. Copy of ‘Bonafide Student Certificate’
      • Only graduates from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh need to present this document which states the college’s name and duration of course.
      • (For those concerned only)
    5. Copies of certificates / confirmation letters of housemanship
      • The applicant need to submit certificates/letters from the hospital or Medical Council concerned which confirms that the applicant had undergone housemanship;
      • These certificate/letter need to clarify the various medical disciplines and the duration of these courses.
    6. Copy of Full Registration Certificate
      • The applicant need to obtain this document from the earlier registered Medical Council.
    7. Letter of Good Standing
      • This certificate need to be obtained from the earlier registered Medical Council;
      • Any Letter of Good Standing obtained from an institution or an individual will not be entertained.
    8. Letter/Confirmation Certificate of Medical Experience
      • For those who had practised overseas after completing housemanship;
      • The applicant need to obtain this document for every period of service from the Head of Department from the time he/she had completed housemanship up till the time the application is presented.
    9. Copy of Identity Card and Identity Card
    10. Copy of registration receipt for the amount of RM100 imposed
      • This payment need to be made out under the name of The Registrar Medical Practitioner in the form of cash/money order/cheque/postal order.
  1. For those applications that are approved to be exempted from undergoing housemanship under Section 13(2) of the Medical Act, an approval letter will be issued as evidence that the applicant is qualified to be registered with the Medical Council. This application can be processed within 3 weeks from the date the completed application is received.
    • This letter is used to apply to the Ministry of Health for securing a position/employment;
    • The applicant is registered with the Medical Council after he/she starts working in this country. The Registration Certificate will be issued to the applicant according to the date he/she commenced employment and the applicant has to abide to the requirement of Section 40, 41 of the Medical Act, which is to serve continuously for three years as instructed by the Medical Director.
    1. Full registration acknowledgement will be issued after obtaining confirmation from the Head of Department with regards to the commencement date. (Full registration acknowledgement will be processed within 2 weeks)

* Copies of document submitted need to certified by government officers from ‘Group A’ or Advocates/Solicitors

*For graduates from India who had undergone ‘Compulsory Rotating Internship’, they are not qualified to apply for full registration, even though they had undergone housemanship and is fully registered with the Indian Medical Council. This is because housemanship which is conducted by the University in India is considered as part of the medical course (MBBS).

* Their application for full registration with the MMC is based on their medical experience in India after fully registering with the Medical Council over there.



  1. Form 9 (Application Form)
  2. Currirulum Vitae of applicant (Foreign Citizen/Malaysian Citizen) for registration under the Medical Act 1971. (Please submit a type written copy to the Council)
  3. Certified true copy basic medical degree.
  4. Certified true copy of bonafide student – certificate from the respective Medical College. (For Indian qualifications only).
  5. Certified true copy of postgraduate degree (s) (if available).
  6. Certified true copy of compulsory Houseman/Internship Certificate.
  7. Certified true copy of Senior Houseman Certificate with postings specified.
  8. Certified true copy of full registration certificate from the respective Medical Council, country of practice.
  9. Recent Letter of Good Standing from respective Medical Council (original copy) – not later than 6 months.
  10. Certified true copy of testimonials of working experience from completion of Housemanship until now. (N.B : Every working experience given in the curriculum vitae must be supported by certified true copy/copies of testimonial from Head of Department/Supervisor concerned).
  11. Certified true copy of Birth Certificate and Identity Card (Passport and Marriage Certificate – for foreigner).
  12. Fees – RM100 (by postal order/cheque/money order) under the name of The Registrar Medical Practitioner.

Applications are requested to submit certified true copies of the above documents to the Secretary of the Council. Certification can be done by any Division ‘A’ Officer in Malaysian Government Service, Solicitors or Commissioners for Oaths in Malaysia.


  1. Foreign medical officers (M.O.) are only allowed to work in the public sector.
  2. The application for foreign medical officer’s registration need to go through the Institution/Department or Ministry which is going to employ them.
  3. The applying medical officer need to have the basic medical degree which is recognised by the Medical Council (According to the Second Schedule of the Medical Act 1971).
  4. The applying medical officer need to have at least 5 years medical experience. Their experience will need to cover at least the main disciplines, such as the various disciplines of Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology or its equivalent.
  5. The foreign medical officer who is/had worked in any one of the institution in this country is required to present a confirmation letter from his/her employer stating that his services are no longer required as well as his work performance/prestige of work, before he/she is allowed to practice in another institution.
  6. The completed application will be then presented at the Evaluation Committee meeting, Medical Council for consideration before it is registered under Section 14 (3), Medical Act 1971 with the Y.B. Minister of Health’s approval.
  7. The applying medical officer need to complete the following documents as stated in ‘Appendix A’ :
    1. Form 9 (Law 22) of the Medical Act for full registration application;
    2. Curriculum Vitae Form (CV) and Form with photograph
      • Curriculum Vitae Form (CV) is prepared for presentation at the Evaluation Committee meeting;
      • It is advised that forms be type written.
    3. Copy of Basic Medical Degree
      • This document need to be translated into English, if the original is in different languages (Bahasa Malaysia is exempted).
    4. Copy of ‘Bonafide Student Certificate’
      • Only graduates from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh need to present this document which states the college’s name and duration of course.
    5. Copy of Advanced Medical Degree
      • (For those concerned only)
    6. Copies of certificates / confirmation letters of housemanship
      • The applicant need to submit certificates/letters from the hospital or Medical Council concerned which confirms that the applicant had undergone housemanship;
      • These certificate/letter need to clarify the various medical disciplines and the duration of these courses.
    7. Copy of Full Registration Certificate
      • The applicant need to obtain this document from the earlier registered Medical Council.
    8. Letter of Good Standing
      • This certificate need to be obtained from the earlier registered Medical Council;
      • Any Letter of Good Standing obtained from an institution or an individual will not be entertained.
    9. Letter/Confirmation Certificate of Medical Experience
      • For those who had practised overseas after completing housemanship;
      • The applicant need to obtain this document for every period of service from the Head of Department from the time he/she had completed housemanship up till the time the application is presented.
    10. Copy of Identity Card and Identity Card
    11. Copy of registration receipt for the amount of RM100 imposed
      • This payment need to be made out under the name of The Registrar Medical Practitioner in the form of cash/money order/cheque/postal order.


  1. For applications that are approved by Y.B. Minister of Health to be registered under Section 14 (3), Medical Act, an approval letter will be issued to the employer as evidence that the applicant is qualified to be conditionally registered with the Medical Council. This application can be processed within 3 weeks from the date the completed application is received.
    • The applicant will be registered with the Medical Council after he/she starts practising in this country. The duration of contract and the name of the institute concerned will be stated in the registration certificate.
    • This registration will only be applicable for the period of registration and at the institution stated on the registration certificate.
  2. This application can be processed within 3 weeks from the date the completed application is received.
  3. Acknowledgement of full registration will be issued after obtaining confirmation from the Head of Department with regards to the date of commencement. (Acknowledgement of full registration will be processed within 2 weeks)

Copies of document submitted need to be certified by government officers from ‘Group A’ or Advocates/Solicitors.


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