Program Pembangunan Profesionalisme Perubatan Antara Majlis Perubatan Malaysia (MPM), Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) Dan Malaysian Medical Association (MMA)
Dear Members,
Malaysian Medical Council (MMC) collaborating with MMA Perak is organizing “Program Pembangunan Profesionalisme Perubatan Antara Majlis Perubatan Malaysia (MPM), Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) Dan Malaysian Medical Association (MMA)” on 8th December 2024, Sunday at Auditorium Pusat Rawatan Harian, Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun, Ipoh from 8.30am to 2.00pm.
This program is to provide exposure and knowledge regarding the regulation of the practice of the medical profession in Malaysia. The target audience that will be involved is approximately 200 participants consisting of Medical Practitioners who serve in the public and private sectors in the State of Perak.
Kindly register at : https://me-qr.com/6xm8OPkj
8.30am Pendaftaran peserta
8.50am Ucapan Pembukaan oleh Pengarah Kesihatan Negeri Perak
YBrs. Dr. Feisul Idzwan bin Mustapha
9.00am Function of Medical Council as per Medical Act 1971 & Medical Regulations 2017
YBrs. Dr. Mohamed Anas bin Mohamed Hussain, Pemangku Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif, MPM
9.45am MMC Registration
YBrs. Dr. Khairul Hafidz Alkhair bin Khairul Amin, Ahli MPM
10.15am Ethics, Law & Jurisdiction
YBhg. Prof. Dato’ Dr. Jafri Malin bin Abdullah, Ahli MPM
11.00am Akta 586 dan Pengamal Perubatan
YBrs. Dr. Zainab binti Abdul Azid, CKAPS, JKN Perak
11.45am Medicolegal Issue
12.30pm Indemnity talk: Staying Safe on Social Media
1.15pm Q & A session
2.00pm 8 CPD point collection & Makan Tengahari