1. Membership

  2. NOTE: These regulations are written using terminology, particularly with respect to the categories and various classes of membership of the Society, which is defined in our Constitution. However, it should be noted that in everyday parlance we refer to:

    The membership of the Association shall consist of the following categories:-

      i) Honorary Membership

      The Association may confer Honorary Membership on those persons who, whether or not registered in the Medical Register, have done exceptional work in the fields of Medicine and allied sciences or have rendered meritorious services.

      ii) Life Membership

      Life Membership of the Association shall be opened to Ordinary Members who are fully registered in the Register kept by the Registrar of Medical Practitioners.

      iii) Ordinary Membership

      Ordinary Membership shall be opened to every medical practitioner whether registered or provisionally registered or conditionally registered in the Register kept by the Registrar of Medicals Practitioners.

      iv) Overseas Membership

      Overseas Membership shall be opened to a registered medical practitioner whose permanent residence is outside Malaysia.

      v) Associate Membership

      Associate Membership shall be opened to para-Medical Personnel who being qualified in their respective profession legally practice in Malaysia.

      vi) Student Membership

        Student Membership shall be opened to:

        a) registered medical students who are citizens of Malaysia and who are undergraduates in any medical school recognized by the Malaysian Medical Council: and/or

        b) registered foreign medical students who are undergraduates in any medical school in Malaysia recognized by the Malaysia Medical Council provided that no local University or University College student shall be admitted as a member without the prior written approval of the Vice-Chancellor concerned.

      vii) Exempt Membership

      Exempt Membership shall be open to medical practitioners who have been Ordinary Members in good standing of at least 20 years and have attained the age of 65 years.

      viii) Privilege of Membership

        1. The privilege of membership is the participation in all activities arranged or organized by the Association including:

        a) the Council and its committees;

        b) the Branch and its Sub-committees; and/or

        c) Sections, Societies and its Sub-committees.

      2. Honorary, Associate, Student and Overseas members will enjoy all the privileges of Ordinary/Life and Exempt membership except that of voting or of holding office in the Council and Branch Committees of the Association.

      3. All members of the Council and officers of the Association including Branches, Sections, Societies, Committees and Representatives to Government and Non-Governmental Organisations shall be Malaysian citizens.

      NOTE      :     Arrears of Subscriptions (FOR RENEWAL OF Subscription)

      i) If any member fail to pay subscription by the 28th of February of that year, that member shall cease to enjoy all the benefits and privileges and his name shall be removed from the Electoral Roll and loses his/her voting rights.

      ii) Further, failure to settle the subscription in arrears for that year by the 31st of December of that year, he/she shall automatically cease to be a member of the Association but SUBJECT ALWAYS TO Clause 5 (1) (ii) of the Constitution.


  1. The Terms and Conditions for Application Medical Procedures and Services Nomenclature (MMA MPSN) and Schedule of Relative Values (5th Edition) License
  2. 1. Category 1 : Licensed Private Healthcare Facility

    Upload  document : (Borang 7 or Borang 4) Akta Kemudahan dan Perkhidmatan Jagaan Kesihatan  Swasta 1998

    2. Category 2 : Licensed Private Healthcare Facility (other than hospital)

    Upload document : (Borang 7 or Borang 4) Akta Kemudahan dan Perkhidmatan Jagaan Kesihatan Swasta 1998

    3. Category 3 : Third Party Payors

    Upload document : SSM Certificate

    4. Category 4: Government Healthcare Facility

    Upload document: Letter from the Director

    Payment for MPSN

    i) All purchases are not refundable.

    ii) All purchases will receive a 30% discount for a limited time.

    iii) A valid computer generated receipt without signature will be issued as proof of purchase.

    iv) All purchasers are required to fill up the online form before proceeding with payment.

    v) The fee will differ depending on the category chosen.

    vi) One-time payment. The license to use the schedule is valid until the next edition (6th Edition) is published.

    vii) Upon approval from the administration;

    • a) payment can be made through the system directly – receipt and document can be printed out or downloaded automatically from the system ;or;
    • b) purchaser can request for an invoice to proceed with payment – receipt will be issued by the finance department and the document can be downloaded via the system.


  2. Membership and Events

    1. This refund policy is applicable to payment made for membership application/ membership renewal.

    2. This refund policy is not applicable to any payment made for event registration unless the event is postponed or cancelled by MMA.

    Refund for membership:-

    i) Double payment

    ii) Wrong amount paid

    iii) Mistake as to category of membership

    iv) Convert to a life membership after payment issued for membership

    v) Exempted membership granted after payment of subscription

    vi) Prefer to join in January to enjoy whole year benefit.

    vii)Not eligible to apply as a Member

    viii)Member paid to a wrong MMA account number.

  1. Privacy Policy
  2. Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) is committed to protect the privacy and security of any personal data that Member may provide through the forms/registration posted online. Personal data includes information that can be linked or directed to a specific individual for example name, address, phone number or email address. Should MMA request the member to provide certain information by which an individual/personnel can be identified when using this website, then the Member can be assured that it will only be used for such purpose it is requested.


    In accordance with Personal Data Protection Act 2010 of Malaysia (PDPA) any personal data provided by the members shall be protected according to the Act and MMA shall not be held liable nor responsible for any information and/or contents in this Form/Registration that has been revealed and/or abused at large and/or already within public knowledge and for any risks and/or occurrences by publishing any of the contents and information given herein. All the information provided by the Member is for the utilization of MMA and its verified strategic partners.


    Request for access to and correction of any information submitted can be directed to us at (secretary@mma.org.my)

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    This site is to explain the privacy policy which includes the use and the protection of information submitted by the visitor. If you make any transaction or send e-mails which contain personal information, this information may be shared with other public agencies to help us to provide better and effective service

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